Dear Parents: Books Aren’t the Enemy, Smartphones Are.
"Young people are telling us they're in crisis."

Some Middle Schools Are Removing Algebra for the Sake of Equity—Why That Could Be a Mistake
A decision made with good intentions is having unintended consequences.

“No Zeros” Grading Is Sold as an Equity Shortcut. It’s Not.
Big reform requires big support. Period.

Elementary School
The School Bus Driver Shortage Is Worse Than Ever
Families are scrambling to get their kids to school.

Teachers Everywhere Should Be Worried About What’s Happening in Houston I.S.D.
It's like a dystopia.

Help! My District Is Telling Us What We Can and Can’t Post From Our Own FB Accounts
We can't post anything political or "controversial" even if our settings are private.

2023 Average Paraprofessional Salaries: What Are the Top-Paying States?
See how your state stacks up.

Weeks Before Schools Open, Florida Bans AP Psychology Course
"Get ready, Florida. This is an opening shot."

38% of Teachers I Talked to Say Their Bosses Led Them in Prayer. Here’s Why That’s a Problem.
The Constitution guarantees freedom *of* religion and freedom *from* religion.

Elementary School
Teachers Are Seeing More Kindergartners Arrive at School Still in Diapers
Early elementary educators are saying it's happening across the country. 😳