Helping students develop an emotional vocabulary and social-emotional skills is an essential part of the early years of learning. This packet can be a great first step to introducing important SEL topics. Break down feelings with our emotions poster and then work through more specific skills on our worksheets on good friendships, body language, and calming strategies. They’re perfect for grades 2 to 4!
Print Your Free Emotions Poster

Download, print, and hang this poster on your classroom walls! Introduce students to these “feelings” words to help them expand their emotional vocabulary. You can even brainstorm more types of feelings as a class. Then, take a look at the calming strategies that can help students regulate their emotions.
Get 3 Student SEL Worksheets

What Makes a Good Friend?
Invite students to complete this worksheet and explore what they believe makes a good friend. Have students use lots of color and this activity can turn into an awesome classroom display! It also introduces students to the important concept of bystanders and upstanders.
Learning About Body Language
Body language can be a complicated topic to tackle. This worksheet introduces your learners to common types of body language and what they might infer about the way a person is feeling. Then, students can read through the passage activity and pick out the body language clues throughout.
Calming Strategies
First, using the “I’m feeling …” poster included, introduce students to different types of emotions and the calm-down strategies provided. Then, students can work through this activity to determine which of these calming strategies might be helpful to them when they want to feel more calm or relaxed. Students will love coloring in these adorable sketches!