Online timers are a valuable tool for keeping students on track. You can use them during work time, transitions, or just to give students a short break. We’ve rounded up 40 super-fun online timers for the classroom that your kids will love to try. Many come from sources that have different options available, including customizable time segments.
1. Baby Yoda
Why race against the clock when you can race against Baby Yoda?
2. Dancing Pirates
These sailors know how to get down. Great for motivating kids to keep it moving during transitions.
3. Super Mario Roller Coaster
Mario! This Super Mario World–themed timer is fun and peppy and will get your kids moving.
4. Burger Explosion
Kids will hustle to get their work done in time to see this whopper of a burger explode!
5. Waddling Duck
This chill little guy isn’t in a big hurry to get anywhere, but he carries on with a smile on his face.
6. Watchful Canine
This big guy keeps a close eye on students and lets them know with a bark when time’s up.
7. Paint Swirls
Soft, relaxing music plays in the background as paint bubbles swirl and flow.
8. Active Kids
Cruise around town with this countdown video and check out what all the people are doing.
9. Ocean Dance
Peppy, get-to-it music plays as smiling sea creatures hop and swim by.
10. Unicorn Rainbow Sparkle
So cute! Maybe distractingly cute?!?
11. Groovy Vibes
A wavy background with flower power sets the stage for the time to count down one digit at a time.
12. Creative Cat
While your students get their work done, this creative cat works on his masterpiece. When the timer goes off, he reveals his painting.
13. Happy Cascade
Happy, lighthearted music bops along as a rainbow of balls falls.
14. Confetti Bomb
Cue the Mission Impossible music, then watch the fuse burn as the timer ticks down.
15. Donuts
Who can resist online timers featuring donuts? You might want to save this one as a countdown to lunch or snack, or it might cause distracting hunger pangs.
16. Fireworks
A quick 60 seconds of the night sky filled with bursting fireworks.
17. Puppies!
Seriously adorable puppies. Maybe use this one as a reward for good behavior.
18. Kittens!
And kittens! Also, seriously adorable. Kids will rush to get their work done so they can just sit and watch.
19. Minions!
Watch as those rascally Minions, Olaf the snowman, Sven and Kristoff, and other friends count down the time.
20. Volcano
Follow the fiery path of magma as it scrolls its way to the surface. When time is up … eruption!
21. Aquarium
Relaxing piano music accompanies the flow of sea creatures passing by.
22. 5-Minute Roller Coaster
Take your students on a wild ride with this thrilling online timer.
23. 10-Minute Roller Coaster
Same thrilling ride, double the time.
24. Pizza Splat
Ooey-gooey pizza. At the end of this timer, watch it go splat!
25. Falling LEGO Bricks
Colorful LEGO blocks cascade down the screen as the time counts down.
26. Signs of Autumn
Beautiful seasonal scenes—apples, pumpkins, and colorful fall trees—scroll across the screen.
27. Animated Falling Leaves
Autumn trees lose their foliage as leaves flutter off the trees bit by bit. Time’s up when the owls hoot.
28. Halloween Fun
Spooky music plays as Halloween scenes roll across the screen.
29. Trick or Treat
Costumed trick-or-treaters parade through town as the timer counts down.
30. Thanksgiving Fun
The stage is set for Thanksgiving as the timer ticks toward zero and ends with a raucous turkey gobble.
31. Turkey Trot
Turkeys prance across the screen on their way to a Thanksgiving feast.
32. Winter Fun
As snowflakes fall, a playful snowman comes to life.
33. Rainbow
Watch each rainbow build one layer at a time, in different colors, and then disappear one layer at a time.
34. Classic Fireplace

This timer from Online Clock is customizable. It lets you choose your time period and change the background. After watching the fire for a while, try the lava lamp, aquarium, or rainy day.
35. Valentine’s Day Heart Race

A customizable timer from Online Stopwatch. Customize racers’ numbers and logos and even give them names. Set the timer for however long you need, and off they go!
36. Spring Flowers
Bumblebees and fairies frolic over a field of colorful flowers to the tune of a lilting piano solo.
37. Springtime Easter Egg Race

Also from Online Stopwatch, this timer is a colorful race to the finish line. It’s customizable for your needs.
38. Beach Vibes
Listen to the waves roll in with this beach-themed timer. When time’s up, you’ll hear the seagulls screech.
39. Ice Cream Truck
The ice cream truck chugs along as the timer counts down from one minute to zero.
40. Banana Split
Smooth jazz plays as the path to the banana fades away until the clock counts down, then … you’ll have to watch for yourself to find out!
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