Get the Teacher Guide for Our Brand-New Dollars & Decisions Interactive Course for Teens

We’ll show you how to make the most of this financial literacy course in your classroom.

Dollars and decisions teacher guide

Have you heard about Dollars & Decisions? It’s a free “Choose Your Own Adventure”–style interactive course designed to introduce basic financial literacy to students in grades 8-12. Before you have your students play it, you’re going to want to check out our Dollars & Decisions Teacher Guide. We’ll show you how to set your class up for success and get the most out of this awesome course. 

What’s the interactive course all about?

Dollars and Decisions Game

The idea behind Dollars & Decisions is to educate students about basic personal finance in critical areas (bank accounts, saving for immediate needs and for the future, and how to manage credit) to give them the knowledge and confidence to manage their money.

The course is set up to reflect a young adult’s life. Players share an apartment with two roommates, choose a job, and have to budget for rent, utilities, and other expenses, based on their biweekly salaries. Players face multiple real-world scenarios about handling their money and making decisions that impact their budget. 

What’s in the guide?

Dollars and decisions teacher guide

We designed our guide with you in mind, so we’ve included:

  • National Standards for Personal Financial Education
  • Learning Goals and Objectives
  • Teens and Financial Literacy: Fast Facts
  • Six Ways to Use Dollars & Decisions in Your Classroom
  • Using the Pre- and Post-Assessment
  • Post-Game Class Discussion Questions
  • Course Overview With Chapter Summaries

Especially for your students, we have:

  • Six Smart Money Tips to Remember
  • Key Vocabulary
  • Dollars & Decisions Student Worksheet (extension activity)

Ready to have your students play? Get the Dollars & Decisions Teacher Guide right now!


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