When it comes to my first year as a teacher, I’m left a little speechless. Good thing there are GIFs to do express how I feel.
Me, unaccustomed to dealing with so many tween-age feelings:
Upon realizing that my school didn’t have money for books, resources, or counselors:
My entire classroom management “plan”:
Any errands after school:
Pretending that I knew what I was doing:
To my students misbehaving while I was being observed:
Remembering when faculty meetings were happening:
I did a lot of this:
And this:
Until I got to this point:
My version of behavior redirection:
My quickly developing attitude toward school supplies I had to buy/replenish myself:
Every day. Hair included.
Watching my friends feel secure about their financial futures:
Working for hours on a lesson plan I was sure would delight my students:
Reading my first thank-you letter:
At my students’ basketball games/award ceremonies/8th grade graduation:
And yet, despite the parts of teaching that left me curled up on the floor on the grocery store of my life, thinking about the next school year:
What was your first year as a teacher like? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers Chat group on Facebook.
Plus, what first-year teachers need to know.